A fantastic analysis from the March 31, 2001 Washington's Blog, followed by more thoughts and links from your truly. - D.W.
(George W.) Bush is correctly regarded as a lying, war-mongering, torturing tyrant.
Is Nobel peace prize winner Obama even worse?
governments, U.S. congressmen and other individuals have demanded that Obama return his Nobel peace prize for bombing Libya without congressional approval.
Bush got us into 2 wars to protect our strategic national interests in ... er ... broccoli. Obama just got us into a third war
for the same reason. Bush's decision to invade Iraq was met with large protests. Similarly, most Americans
didn't want Obama to get involved in Libya.
The Bush administration
funded terrorist groups (and see confirming articles
here and
here). Obama is allegedly
funding terrorist groups in Iran, and is now
aiding the Libyan "rebels", even though there are allegations that
1,000 of them are Al Qaeda radicals (and there are some indications that their leader is a
CIA asset).
Obama has
increased the number of drone attacks in Afghanistan,
Yemen and elsewhere. Indeed, most people who have looked at the numbers believe that Obama has killed many more civilians with drone attacks than Bush did using the same method.
The Brookings Institution
noted in 2009:
"Critics correctly find many problems with this program, most of all the number of civilian casualties the strikes have incurred. Sourcing on civilian deaths is weak and the numbers are often exaggerated, but more than 600 civilians are likely to have died from the attacks. That number suggests that for every militant killed, 10 or so civilians also died."
Read More @
Washington's Blog______________________________________________
With the recent
brown-people-bombing-brigades over Libya and the ongoing
torture of the
'guilty until proven innocent' Bradley Manning, among other examples, it should be clear to anyone with an IQ higher than room temperature that America's current Bootlicker-in-Chief loves
gang-raping the Constitution as much or more so than his predecessor.